BioMedEpi offers quality consultancy services on all aspects of the research process to ensure getting valid results and answers to your research questions. Consultancy is usually done remotely via email, Skype and telephone conferences.  An initial face-to-face meeting is desirable, although not necessary.  Some examples of research consultancy services are presented below.  Other consultancy services can be arranged depending on the client’s needs.

Writing a Research Proposal

Do you need assistance in writing your research proposal?  BioMedEpi can help you in turning your research idea or question into a research proposal.  BioMedEpi will assists you in the formulation of measurable research objectives, review of existing literature, designing the data collection methodology, sample size calculation and the statistical analysis plan.

Evaluating and Reviewing Research Methods

Do you need help in improving the quality of your research proposal, journal article, thesis, dissertation or research report?  BioMedEpi  can guide you by reviewing your manuscript and giving constructive comments and suggestions and identifying biases and possible methodological questions on your research document.

Designing a Data Collection Tool

Quality data depend on quality data collection instrument.  BioMedEpi specializes in designing data collection tool for quantitative studies.  It can be a population survey or laboratory data collection tool.  We can help you design the questionnaire or the laboratory data collection form that would best measure your research objectives and would be compatible to your analysis plans and data processing resources.

Analyzing Research Data

Do you need assistance in analyzing your data?  BioMedEpi can assist you in data processing, analysis and interpretation.  We can also convert your printed data to a digital format compatible with your analysis software.  

Preparing a Research Manuscript

Whether it is for a report, journal publication,conference abstract, poster or oral presentations, BioMedEpi can help you in preparing your research manuscript for better presentation and result dissemination.